
How we make our mark.

This is the Loud­er Than Ten Work­ers’ Coop­er­a­tive iden­ti­ty. Loud­er Than Ten rep­re­sents the voice of the dig­i­tal work­er. We are bold. We are auda­cious. We are loud. We are proud. We don’t back down. 

We ques­tion con­ven­tion and believe there is a bet­ter way to orga­nize peo­ple and work. Dig­i­tal agen­cies come to us to help them design and build sys­tems that put their team mem­bers first, and keep clients com­ing back, all while build­ing finan­cial stability.

These brand guide­lines are designed to give you the tools to rep­re­sent the spir­it and soul of Loud­er Than Ten in the wild and in our com­mu­ni­ty. They are a foun­da­tion, not a pre­scrip­tion. Take these and build on top of them.


Sturdy, confident, and streamlined. The Louder Than Ten logo is formed by 5 simple shapes representing an L and T protecting a circle.

Logo lock-ups

We have two different lock-ups for the logo. We use the stacked version by default and the horizontal version in contexts with limited height.


Louder Than Ten logo


Co-op logos

We also have a logo variation that shows our official corporate name. Use these in contexts where it’s important to show that we are a cooperative.



Colour variations

Use these variations for various backgrounds. Use the standard colour logos on neutral dark and light backgrounds, and opt for the all-white or all-black versions for coloured backgrounds.

Louder Than Ten logo


We have a collection of avatars for use in social media and applications that feature our logomark. Use your best judgment and try to match the logo according to the feel and colours of the context it will be displayed.

Talk to us.

Learn more about our programs or just say hi.